

  1. 监督. 学生权利办公室 & 责任 within the Division of 学生事务, as designated by the university’s president, oversees cases of non-academic student conduct. 学生权利办公室 & 责任 is responsible for:
    1. Recommending policies relating to student conduct;
    2. Formulating and recommending rules and enforcement procedures within the framework of existing policies; The disposal or referral of such individual cases as may properly come before it; and
    3. Recommending changes in the administration of any aspect of the Code to the Vice 总统 of 学生事务 (or designee).
  2. 政府. 学生权利办公室 & 责任 may delegate jurisdiction to university officials, 办事处或聆讯机构, 必要时, 处理学生行为不当个案. These include but are not limited to the following:
    1. 学生事务助理院长
    2. Residential Living and Learning/Fraternity and Sorority Life conduct boards
    3. 校园娱乐
  3. 大学聆讯委员会 (“hearing board”) is a three- or five-member panel of 教师 and staff members appointed by the Office of 学生的权利 & 责任. The hearing board has the authority to hear cases assigned to it by the Office of 学生的权利 and 责任 and/or the Dean of 学生.
  4. 大学上诉委员会 (“appeals board”) is a three- or five-member panel of 教师 and staff members who hear student appeals for sanctions of “conduct probation” or higher, as outlined in the Student Conduct Procedures section of the Code. Appeals board members are drawn from the hearing board pool with the following requirements to serve:
    1. They did not serve on the hearing board for the initial hearing.
    2. They were not involved in the investigation in any way.
    3. They have been trained in appeals procedures.
    4. They have been vetted for conflicts of interest.

Application of the 学生行为准则

The following individuals are considered students for the purposes of administering the Code:

  1. 目前在A注册的人&M-商务; or
  2. A person who has been accepted for admission or readmission to A&M-商务; or
  3. 在A大学注册的人&M-商务 in the semester or summer session that immediately follows.


Matters of academic integrity are the exclusive province of the Provost and Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs and the 研究生 School (See 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务 研究生 Student Academic Dishonesty policy 13.99.99.R0.10; 本科 Academic Dishonesty policy 13.99.99.R0.03). 学生 engaged in acts that may constitute both academic dishonesty and violations under the Code may be subject to sanctions under any of these authorities.


The Code applies to any behaviors that take place on the main campus of A&M-商务 (including the 达拉斯 site) and at university-sponsored events. The Code may also apply to actions that occur off campus and online when the Office of 学生的权利 & 责任 determines that the conduct affects a substantial university interest. A substantial university interest is defined to include:

  1. Any conduct that is a violation of federal, state or local law;
  2. Any situation where it appears that the accused individual may present a danger or threat to the health or safety of others;
  3. Any situation that significantly has a negative effect/impact upon the rights, property or interest of self or others;
  4. Any situation that breaches the peace and/or causes a substantial disruption to the university community; and
  5. Any situation that is detrimental to the educational interests of the university.


In all cases of alleged violations of the Code, the standard of proof is the preponderance of the information (e.g.(“更有可能”). Reasonable belief is applied when making determinations regarding interim actions.


学生 or student organizations involved in alleged violations of any federal, state or local laws may be subject to disciplinary action. These allegations will be adjudicated using the university standard of proof and procedure. 调查, 判决,, 在适当的地方, disciplinary action may be imposed by the university before, after or in addition to adjudication by any non-university authority.


守则为学生提供, 教师 and staff with a clear message regarding the value of students as individuals and the contributions they can make when they are given the freedom to do so. It also recognizes that a student's opportunity for education is only limited by the respect that they give to fellow students, 教师, 员工及其他.

  1. 学生' rights are to be respected. These rights include respect for feelings, 有尊严地对待, and conditions that allow students to make the best use of their time and talents. 没有教师, 教职员或学生, 无论位置如何, shall violate these rights; any custom, tradition or rule in conflict will not be allowed to prevail.
  2. 期望学生, 在任何时候, 承认构成的权威, to conform to the ordinary rules of good conduct, 说实话, 尊重他人的权利, to protect private and public property and to make the best use of their time toward obtaining an education.
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